College Auditions
Colleges who would like to attend may register here.
College Auditions: are open to 10th-12th grade thespians to submit audition materials for participating colleges and universities
Audition Guidelines for students
Audition Guidelines for students
Musical & Acting:
● Auditions are 90 seconds TOTAL.
○ (Does not include slate. Slate = your name, audition selection titles, written/composed by...)
○ Acting = 2 contrasting monologues
○ Musical = 1 song selection and 1 monologue
■ Not included in 90 seconds is a moment to speak with accompanist about tempo
● Time keeper will cut you off at 90 second mark.
● Wear an outfit that makes you easily identifiable. Try to avoid IE blacks.
● Contrasting monologues does not necessarily mean Shakespearian and modern. Think creatively
● Auditions are “round robin” style
● 2-3 minutes with a college rep then they move to next table
● You get a table to set up examples of your work
○ Ex: portfolios, realized costume designs, stage manager binders, etc.
● Bring water, have equipment charged up, & plan for no WIFI
Call Backs: College reps will begin posting call back lists throughout the audition process. During callback time, selected students will visit with individual college reps at their booth locations.